2018-2019 Audit: Our Financial Report Card

2018-2019 Audit: Our Financial Report Card
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Our role as an effective financial steward is one of our most important. Which is why the annual external review and evaluation of our financial systems and processes is so very important to us – and to our projects as well.   We’re very pleased to share that our 2018-19 annual audit, prepared for us by the firm of SingerLewak, is now available online here, along with our most current Form 990. That we can annually share this clean bill of financial health is a testament not just to our own internal operations, but to the participation of each and every one of our fiscally sponsored projects and intermediary partners.   Achieving this together is no small feat. It takes time to report each and every expense and dollar in to us, accurately and on time. It takes diligence to abide by our policies and processes. And it takes the commitment of each and every individual project leader to get it right – not just for their individual project, but for the benefit of this complex ecosystem of changemakers they belong to. We commend all our projects and partners for their diligence and the resulting audit report we all share. Note that individual financial ‘snapshots’ of each fiscally sponsored project is included in the back pages of the audited financials; an index of project names can be found on pages 24-26.

Our report also shows that Community Partners continues to grow. Revenue — the funds we managed for both our fiscally sponsored projects and through our intermediary work — was $57M, up from $49M last year. We now have 184 projects under fiscal sponsorship and 18 intermediary engagements. Our projects raised a total of $56M, a 19.7 percent increase from last year. Between Community Partners and our projects’ staff, we now employ 862 people. And for a sense of volume, we processed close to 20,000 payments on behalf of projects and managed over 500 grant agreements.