Two Projects Win Big in LA2050 Challenge

Two Projects Win Big in LA2050 Challenge
Friday, October 3, 2014
Pershing Square playground project

Two of the 10 My LA2050 Grants Challenge winners are projects of Community Partners! Major kudos to both Move LA and Pershing Square Park Advisory Board, which each will receive $100,000 for their proposed projects.

  • MoveLA, selected from among 50 contenders under the “connect” goal, will use its funds to seed a countywide public conversation around public transportation with a digital media platform and strategy.
  • The Pershing Square Park Advisory Council, chosen from among 30 submissions “play” goal, will install two children’s playgrounds in the downtown park.

Both were selected by a panel of judges who evaluated the 267 submissions across five categories. They looked at potential impact, creativity and innovation, feasibility, and collaborative spirit. Judges selected five winners while another five won based on public votes.

“We could not be more thrilled at the foundation’s selection of all the powerful groups — and particularly MoveLA and Pershing Square Park Advisory Council,” said Community Partners President & CEO Paul Vandeventer. “To stand shoulder to shoulder as they now do with the eight other awardees makes a profound statement and places them in grand company.”  

A public celebration was held in Grand Park on Oct. 8.

Read more about the LA2050 grants challenge here