Our Position, Our Pledge

Our Position, Our Pledge
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Civility produces the fertile soil in which social good thrives. Violence committed against any person contradicts civil society. The ghastly killing of George Floyd and so many others before him, especially at the hands of police officers sworn to protect human life, poisons the public ground, the very streets we all must share, the precious air we must breathe to live.

The last several months of pandemic lockdown, unprecedented economic turmoil and the events in Minneapolis last week have sorely tested our collective patience, perseverance and resolve. Former President Barack Obama laid it out something like this: Recognizing our public selves and participating in the struggle, striving and triumph of our communities and our politics – with the passion of citizens fully vested in our common destiny – is the work that will lead us away from the cruelty of racial and economic injustice and toward civility and healing. But only if each of us discovers in our soul that’s what we want.

That discovery arises only when we understand our history and test ourselves in action, in the work. Community Partners stands behind – in fact, exists – to welcome, embrace and serve those committed to achieving in organized, inclusive ways the kind of social good characterized by three powerful values: justice, fairness, equality. In other words, a civil society.

We always have. We always will. We will not stop.


Perry Parks                               Paul Vandeventer

Board Chair                               President & CEO

Perry Parks, board chair             Paul Vandeventer, president