Community Partners Co-Leads $35 M Transformative Effort in South Los Angeles

The South LA Eco-Lab Receives $35 M Transformative Climate Communities Grant from California Strategic Growth Council
Monday, November 21, 2022
South LA Eco Lab Press Event

A coalition of community based organizations, including Community Partners, SLATE-Z, CicLAvia, Climate Resolve, Coalition for Responsible Community Development, GRID Alternatives, LACI, LA Neighborhood Land Trust, SAJE, SCOPE, TreePeople, and TRUST South LA partnered with the City of Los Angeles, LA Metro, and Los Angeles Trade-Technical College to secure a $35 million Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) grant from the California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) to improve environmental conditions and reduce pollution in South LA. This funding combines with $24.6 million in funding from LA Metro, the City of Los Angeles, and other sources to support the South LA Eco-Lab: a community driven project to facilitate economic development through Climate Action within the project area to achieve the community’s vision for a socially inclusive, sustainable, green community resilient to climate change, in the heart of South Los Angeles.

“South Los Angeles is the heart of LA, and this investment will set our sights on what tomorrow should look like in a community with big dreams for the future,” said Mayor Eric Garcetti. “This grant is a big step toward building the South LA that residents have envisioned for years – with improved quality of life, public health, and access to economic opportunity.”

“Community Partners is grateful to be a part of this groundbreaking, resident-centered effort in South LA. Our mission is to do everything we can to sustain this project’s success,” said President and CEO Alicia Lara.

The California EPA has identified South LA as one of the most polluted areas in the state. The South LA Eco-Lab project area includes 3.9 square miles bordered by Vernon Avenue, 60th Street, Western Ave, and Central at its northern, southern, western, and eastern limits respectively. 60% of the population in this area lives below the poverty level, 1-in-3 are unemployed, nearly half experience severe housing cost burdens, and approximately 1-in-5 individuals rely on active modes of transportation (walking, wheeling, or taking transit).

“Our community has been working to address poverty in South Los Angeles by revitalizing the economy in environmentally sustainable ways” said Zahirah Mann, President and CEO of SLATE-Z. The South Los Angeles Transit Empowerment Zone (SLATE-Z) is proud serve as the strategic advisor for the South LA Eco-Lab, and form part of the lead applicant team with Community Partners and the City of Los Angeles; we have the privilege of working with incredible, mission driven governmental, nonprofit, and resident leaders who developed holistic and transformative projects and plans.  The South LA Eco-Lab will result in deep transformative change for South Los Angeles, launching our community as a leader in climate mitigation and preparing our businesses, residents, and students for the climate resilient economy.”

With a final project budget of nearly $60 million, the South LA Eco-Lab will invest in infrastructure projects such as LADOT Stress Free connections and EV Car Share, StreetsLA Cool Pavement projects, home solar installation through GRID Alternatives, street trees, and school greening providing open space and stormwater capture benefits.  The South LA Eco-Lab will do this while also focusing on robust community engagement, workforce development, and anti-displacement measures.

Funding for the project will begin in 2023, with a project completion date of 2028 when Los Angeles will host part of the 2028 Olympic Summer games just a few blocks from the outer boundaries of the project area.  The South LA Eco-Lab will also leverage or connect to other climate related investments and programs within South Los Angeles and throughout the SLATE-Z area, including LADOT’s Universal Basic Mobility Program, LA Metro’s Rail-to-Rail, and expansion of the Baldwin Hills Conservancy.