A bill co-sponsored by Community Partners project SoCal CAN (Southern California College Access Network) and currently making its way through the state legislative process will help to keep community college students on track to graduation. It will also improve administrative issues that see too many students leave campus without receiving the degrees they’ve earned.
SB 1425, which recently passed out of the California State Senate unanimously and has received overwhelming support throughout the Senate legislative process, is expected to be heard next on June 24th in the Assembly Higher Education Committee.
“We are one step closer to ensuring that community college students in California have access to real-time information regarding progress toward their degree, certificate or transfer,” says Alison DeLucca, director of SoCalCAN, an alliance of over 50 nonprofit organizations working to increase the number of low-income students who access and complete a postsecondary education. “Too many students are unaware of where they stand on their path to graduation and we want to see that change.”
Learn more about SB 1425, which is also co-sponsored by The Campaign for College Opportunity, here.